Challenging scratching toys for indoor cats

Challenging scratching toys for indoor cats


Not all cats are allowed outside and therefore not all cats can use their natural hunting instinct. How do you ensure that you still provide your cat with this hunting

need? With the Whirl of District 70 for example. specially designed to promote the hunting instinct of indoor cats and provide them with exercise and mental


Multi-functional scratching toys

The Whirl has multiple elements to entertain your cat. Like tinkling balls to play with. These balls are hidden in the Whirl and your cat can try from all angles to get the

balls from one of the 12 openings. When your cat does not need the balls, he can put his nails in the corrugated cardboard on the top and sides.


This way, the Whirl provides your cat's hunting instinct. but the cardboard also ensures that your cat can take care of his nails. Not all cats enjoy vertical scratching

on a scratching post. so the Whirl is the ideal horizontal alternative.


The Whirl is a circle with a size of 33 x 33 x 6 cm and is available in the

colors black and white.